Got a kitchen bench? Great – you can grow your own nutritious sprouts and microgreens! All you need is a few jars, a few seeds, and a bit of basic know-how…
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Start growing fresh, flavourful sprouts and tasty leafy microgreens straight away. The results you’ll get are fast, cheap, easy and delicious. Fresh food, grown right in your kitchen – where you need it most.
What’s inside your free pack:
- Your Sprouting Guide (downloadable): all the steps you need to know to grow sprouts at home in jars – no special equipment required.
- Your Microgreens Guide (downloadable): step-by-step instructions for growing super-nutritious microgreens in seed-raising trays.
- 10-minute Instructional Video with Milkwood’s Nick Ritar, to visually walk you through how to grow sprouts and microgreens.
- + which vegetable is the easiest to grow and how all this fits with the permaculture principle of ‘obtain a yield’.
So grab your free resources, and get started … we’re happy to answer your questions, too – supporting folks to learn new skills is what we do!