Fair Share Policy

As a permaculture enterprise, the concept of fair share is at the core of what we do.

It is very important to us to help build strong, resilient communities, and to make knowledge available to those who want to learn, regardless of their personal circumstance. We give as much as we are able. 

Here are some of the ways we help out.

Fair Share rates for courses

We offer discounted rates and sometimes full scholarships to people who experience barriers to education and wouldn’t otherwise be able to access our courses.

These positions are limited and are predominantly provide to those who :

  • Are unwaged, or on a pension, or otherwise financially disadvantaged
  • Are from underserved geographic areas without access to similar education opportunities
  • Identify as LGBTQIA+ or non-binary
  • Identify as a person with disability or special needs learners
  • Are BIPOC or members of another historically marginalised community or ethnic minority

To apply for a Fair Share discount / scholarship for one of our courses please:

  1. Join the waitlist for that course, via our courses page.
  2. Send an email to [email protected] with the subject title ‘Fair share application’
  3. State which course you are interested in joining and when.
  4. Let us know in a few sentences why you’re seeking this discount and how accessing the course in question will help you and/or your community.  

Scholarships can also be offered through organisations representing folks in these groups. If you are such an organisation, please contact [email protected] for more details. You can also access a scholarship from us directly, just get in touch.

Organisational discounts

We also setup course discounts to organisations that are aligned with our Milkwood ethos and values. These organisations can then offer these discounts to their members and followers. 

Permaculture Australia and Permaculture Tasmania members can access discounts through their financial membership.

If you are involved with an organisation that would like to team up with Milkwood, please get in touch via [email protected], so we can start the conversation.

Alumni student discounts

If you have already taken an online course with us, you are eligible for our 20% Alumni discount on all our other courses.

If this is you, join the waitlist of the course you are interested in – our email system will note that you are already a student, and send you a discount code for that course, when it next opens for bookings.

Offering deeply useful free information

Milkwood is dedicated to sharing permaculture skills, for living like it matters. What this means is that we will always provide free access to our 15+ years of useful blog articles, and continue to offer quality downloadable resources, including how-to guides, videos and topic-specific webinars.

There is a bucketload of information on our website for you to explore. If you have any questions, we answer all comments made on our blog – sometimes extensively, as needed.

Enrolling in one of our courses takes this knowledge up a level – with specifically developed curriculums and a staged course experience that is designed for maximum learning outcomes, fully supported by our team. All questions are answered, usually within just a day or two.

Supporting organisations and community initiatives

Another ethic at the core of what we do is co-operation instead of competition. So wherever possible, we collaborate and cooperate with organisations and enterprises engaged in complementary activities. It’s the best strategy for creating regenerative land and communities for everyone.

We’ve found that there’s nothing stronger than a collaborative force, whatever the challenge. Our planet is at a tipping point and our role is to help in whatever way we can, and to create momentum by helping other organisations do the same.

Consultancies and advocacy – we gift consultancies and advocacy opportunities where we can, to organisations and individuals who need them.

Community buzz – we promote community and permaculture events and initiatives wherever possible, as long as we know they’re happening! 

If you have an event or project you’d like us to share, or to be involved with, please contact [email protected].