Every now and then we get to visit a small organic farm that truly blows our socks off. Old Mill Road, and the family who farm it, are one of those farms.
I think I should let the images speak for themselves here, so in summary: Old Mill Road is a diverse biological farm supplying vegetables, eggs, seasonal fruit and flowers to their local community, and doing it darn well.
Or to put it more succinctly, these folks are rad.
The Old Mill Road team is made up of Kirsti, Fraser, Piccolo (Pickles) + MarlinSpike, with various amazing interns, add-ons, chickens, pigs and a few dogs to round the crew out.
We visited the afternoon before one of their weekly markets, so in the middle of the pick-and-pack that is embedded in a market garden’s routine. We tried not to eat all the tomatoes as we helped.
Visiting crews like this gives me hope for our community’s futures.
The ethos, the execution, and how they just keep on going – based apon a desire to eat, grow and share clean food, while regenerating the land they’re stewarding. So damn good.
Or, in their own words…
Old Mill Road BioFarm is a family business that aims to enrich local food culture, encourage more small scale farmers, connect those farmers to the consumer and promote the idea that we are not superior to the environment but are part of the ecology.
More folks farming like this please!
Old Mill Road have an internship program that future growers can hook into here, which is resulting in an impressive number of new farmers.
You can visit them at the SAGE markets on Tuesdays in Moruya NSW, or if you’re too far away, follow both Fraser + Kirsti on instagram for regular doses of visual goodness.
Big thanks to all the Old Mill Road crew for having us, and sorry to Marlinspike who was feeling a bit average so didn’t make it into any of the photos. Here’s his smiling face for reference.
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Great posting! I love the progress coming from Fraz and Kirsty. Each year the kids sprout a little more, there’s new animals, paddocks turned to garden beds, new sleeping quarters, new methods and stuff all the time. Look forward to seeing it again soon
So inspirational! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your trip!
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful farm. Many people will never understand the skills, experience and love that goes into creating such an awesome market garden.
You’ve certainly achieved what you set out to do, a credit to you Frase and Kirsti Pickles and Marlin awesome veges I’ve watched it from the beginning from nothing and I’m very proud of your achievements all the hard work you both have out in has paid off
Well this looks like complete beauty to me. Structure, abundance and strength of multiple little systems making the whole. Inspiring.
Looks amazing, so healthy and prolific.Would love some more info on each photo.Such as what we are looking at , what season, how it is nurtured etc.
Thanks for sharing.