Want to check out a keyline farm designed by P.A. Yeomans in western Sydney? Here’s your chance.
As part of The Yeomans Project, our friends Lucas and Ian are hosting a field trip to the extremely interesting property ‘Oaks Orgaincs’ on May 4th…
Peter Clinch, farmer at Oaks Organics, explaining how keyline design can be used for passive irrigation across a property without pipes or pumps…
We first visited this deeply interesting property in January 2010 as part of a Keyline Design course we ran – the property had been designed by P.A.Yeomans in the mid 20th century as is still managed in a way that incorporates keyline farming.
In the spirit of art meets farming, you can go have a look at this very special place with a busload of convivial types, stewarded by Lucas and Ian.
It doesnt matter if you’re coming at concepts like keyline farming from an art, a permaculture or a farming perspective – you’re welcome either way.
Tickets for the bus trip are here...
More info:
- The Yeomans Project
- Photos of our tour at Oaks Organics in 2010
- Us talking about The Yeomans Project
I bet the water tables in that area are very high!
I would love to go and live close to the oaks so prefer to drive myself – is there a cost if I do not take the bus?
Don’t know Melissa, please get in touch with the organisers via the link to tickets above!