Insect Hotel visitors, great (if somewhat odd) family Christmas bonding ideas, and why blue cheese will heal the world….
This week we’re splitting the difference, as some of us are chilling out and some of us are still hard at it. So we’ve got a selection of shake your tail feather, and big thinking reads.
First up, hard thinking – got a long winded extended family gathering? Need an excuse to go hide in the shed?
The Journal of Environmental Studies – v5 i4 is chock-full of interesting papers on everything from American Food Resilience to Metropolitan Food Sheds to Public-Private partnerships for increasing food system resilience and lots more.
Last weekend, Cake Wines did a community fest event at the 107 Rooftop Garden – it was amazing to see this beautiful place, only just one year old, rocking it.
We harvested fennel + herbs for the chefs, and then we all ate many things. Here’s a lovely video of the day.
Alex Kelly is a young Aussie theatre maker, Naomi Klein’s impact producer and many other things besides – we’re hoping to get her to Sydney in 2016 to talk about story based strategy with the Milkwood network.
Ok blog of the week that we’ve come across is Salad for President – an artist working with gardens, and salad, and other artists. An excellent blend of amazing salad recipes, urban garden making, and art. Boom.
Oh and I should mention that we found the above blog via The Planthunter – another excellent source of all things leafy.
Looking for something a bit edgy to replace the christmas 10,000 piece puzzle this year? How about a bit of table top role play with a permaculture edge – The Fifth World is a table top game set 400 years from now (and we’re not all dead! Yay) in a mostly optimistic village-based society. It might be just what your family gathering needs to get conversation rolling…
Also musically this week we discovered that there’s a The Muppets with John Denver Christmas Album, which I can’t quite bring myself to link to. But it’s out there.
Pics of the week – their stories are here…
We got a wide range of reactions this week regarding a post about DIY blue cheese, which I thought was (no, it IS) an obvious awesome. Not everyone agreed but the science now says that roquefort is anti-inflammatory so there you go. Ha.
And lastly, our good friend Charlie McGee’s Song for Soil was recently played at the start and end of a UN event on Soil, which, once you listen to the song, is all kinds of excellent. The clip is below.
So if you’re going on any car trips over the break, can we recommend Charlie’s other albums for fun, family-strength, permaculture infused funk – ‘Radish Beets’, ‘Permaculture, a Rhymer’s Manual’ and various others too…
All downloadable at Formidable Vegetable Sound System.
Rightio then – we’ll do a Christmas roundup next Wednesday and then take a break till the new year. Until then, may your vegetables ripen, your salads be diverse and your hammock-time be plentiful…