Huzzah. The 2014 Permaculture Calendar is out – and it’s a beauty. This year, it even includes a funky (and very useful) moon planting guide within.
In celebration of this fine publication, we’ve got a few copies to pass on…
Designed with the ever-elegant touch of Richard Telford, the 2014 Permaculture Calendar is a sweet and useful friend that we’re looking forward to having in our kitchen next year.
The 2014 edition includes images from across the planet of people living like they mean it. Growing, learning, teaching, digging and doing. Simply. And well.
It will make you smile. And also remind you when to plant stuff.
The calendars are a bloody bargain and by purchasing one, you’re helping ensure that Richard’s very fine and also useful Permaculture Principles website keeps on truckin.
By purchasing 10 copies, you’ll be single-handedly nudging your entire office towards an effective backyard veggie planting regime. There is no downside here!
And, in the spirit of fair share, 10% of each calendar purchase goes to Permafund, which makes grants available for activities that demonstrate the ethics and application of permaculture.
Might we also add that the moon calendar applies (of course) across the globe… so while this calendar was produced in Australia (on recycled paper and with 100% renewable energy), it’s info is just as relevant in Greenland. Or wherever you are.
You can grab a copy of the 2014 Permaculture Calendar here…
We think you should have this friend in your kitchen too! Thanks to Richard, we’ve got 2 copies of the calendar to give away.
Comment below with what you’re planting this Spring that you haven’t planted before, and we’ll choose two lucky folks (randomly) next Monday to win a calendar each.
So many new-to-me plants this spring because I went a bit mad with the seed catalogue: lots of bee-friendly flowers, and asparagus, artichokes (both kinds), ice plant(!?), welsh walking onions, long neck gourd, watermelons and scallopini, oil seed pumpkin, kaanga ma corn…
It certainly does look like a beauty and I would live to win one. I am yet to try planting using a moon chart. We are planting an elderberry tree this spring. I like the idea of being able to use the berries for jam and the flowers for wine. Other than that we are planting what we normally plant as that is what we like to eat.
the neighbouring orchard just did some road work and left a berm of subsoil along the boundary. Going to whack some Dahlias, Buddleia, Aloes etc in there for the birds and insects.
The season is turning to fall in the states, and I’m going to try my hand at broccoli, squash, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts (to start!). What a beautiful calendar! 🙂
Good morning Milkwood crew. This calendar does look like a beauty! This spring I am growing snake beans and summer squash for the first time. Both are looking good so far. Happy gardening to you!
We have nearly finished converting our veggie ‘paddock’ to raised beds so with 30 massive beds now (instead of grass and weeds) I am throwing all sorts of things in. Looking forward to seeing how the hamburg rooted parsley goes and what salsify tastes like.
I’m planting loofah and hoping it will grow over our inner city fence! I just love the idea of growing something for food AND utility!
I’m planting the seeds for a new level of community spirit in North West Tasmania, to start at an individual level and grow into a major force doing all we can to combat climate change.
I’m growing turkey tail mushrooms to make tea. They are apparently very good in helping me to fight cancer.
I’ve just put in raspberry canes and rhubarb for the first time. It’s my first nonherb perennial foray.
I’m growing paste tomatoes this year I’ve never grown them before and baby capsicums 🙂 I’ve grand ambitions on making my own tomato and pasta sauce!
Artichoke. I have no idea what to do with it, but I thought I would give it a go 🙂
Barcelona fried artichokes – take out the choke and peel off the tough outer bits. Thinly slice your artichoke and marinate it in olive oil, lemon juice and garlic. Saute, served with fresh chopped parsley and parmesan cheese.
We’ve just bought our first house, with a giant swathe of untended ground out the back, so we’re currently planning to plant ALL THE THINGS. Well, after a nice crop of legumes to enrich the topsoil we’re going to have to bring in. But I still can’t wait for my veggie garden; we’ll probably be at least growing potted tomatoes and herbs while we wait.
Stealthflower, you won a calendar! Yay you. Let us know if you don’t get an email from us through today?
Hi Kirsten, Where can I buy some calenders if I don’t win one? I’m still in Wollongong, so who do I contact down this way? Cheers from ‘Deadly’ Dave Welsh.
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 02:00:22 +0000 To: [email protected]
Dave you can get them from 🙂
Grape vines and avos.
I live in Wisconsin and it gets very cold here,as. Low as -30 F some winters. We can have loads of snow some years. I read about growing figs in cold climes and after 4years, I got figs on my tree. It may be that none of them ripen. I’ll have to wait and see. Janet
I just started some seeds of welsh onions, red russian kale, and lime lettuce. I live in a mild climate and Fall is right around the corner, so I am always planting new seeds!
This spring I would like to plant some tomatoes, herbs & something to make nice tea. I live on an Army base in Darwin, NT so only have a little verandah to put a few pots on, but would like to be able to pick some fresh leaves for tea, & take fresh herbs & tomatoes to my friends houses when we do dinners. I’d love to try planting by the moon, so they have the best chance of growing successfully 🙂
I’m starting out and have just prepared a possum-proof-patch at my new house. I’m planting lots of herbs (sooo expensive in the shops, and I use a lot of them), lettuce and tomatoes – staples of my diet in spring/summer!
I am planting okra and an heirloom tomato called Emerald Apple. So far the seeds have germinated and I have some healthy looking seedlings.
After moving from the city to a small country town, we find ourselves with a one acre plot full of burrs, prickles & cat’s eyes (or three corner jacks as they’re also known…OUCH ). We want to grow our own vegetables & fruit so we’ve set out 4 garden beds, yet we’re unsure of what plants to grow when, & what seeds to sow. We seem to be stuck & aren’t sure what to do next….
To us the Permaculture Calendar would be an absolute Godsend 😀
I’m planting some Asian pears and I intended to be around to eat them too. I’ll be 66 this Spring. My Permaculture Humble Jungle along with my chooks gives me reason to get up in the morning and greet the day. Peace Grammy
I’m starting off my first mushroom growing kit and dividing up some comfrey I found in the hope it will be useful for me to trade at my first food swap soon!
Today I’m planting capsicum, trombocino, jicama, beans and corn!
Tomorrow Fruit trees tropical peach, mulberry and lots of pigeon pea!
I am planting a bee and butterfly friendly garden.
As I’m working with sand, yes sand not sandy soil, in the south of the South Island of Aotearoa/NZ, I need all the help I can get! So this year, to up the nitrogen and organic matter, I’ve broadcast in the forest garden, white clover, tic beans and white lupin. New edibles are an apricot (stone fruit does well in these conditions) and cuttings of a perennial sprouting broccoli and a pumpkin called Southern Blue from our local seed exchange. May the seasond be kind!
I have planted sun flowers for the first time and cannot wait for them to erupt from the soil.Fingers crossed they all sprout. Got to love Spring!!
My chooks are just helping me get the new vege garden cleared of weeds but my new plant this spring is beetroot. I have got into eating this from local markets recently for both the roots and the cooked green (red) tops! I have also just bought lots of indigenous species this afternoon for a yellow and purple butterfly garden like one of the other commenters! Love the look of the calendar.
As we have a very tiny yard I have experimented with espaliering varies fruit trees cherries, quince, fig plus I planted a row of 12 heritage apples and pear trees as a Belgian fence, we had over 4 kg of apples this year, planning to set up 4 garden beds for vegetables; at the moment i have left self sown silver beet to grow till those beds are made. we have been picking silver beet and kale herbs each night for dinner. i would love to recieve one of your calendars
Jerusalem artichokes and ice-cream bean (plus all sorts of others – orders from many seed companies!)
I’m planting paprika capsicums – to hopefully make my own paprika for the year!
I’m going to plant Honeyberries, Goji berries, artichokes and a medicinal herb garden!
New things I’m planting this spring – globe artichokes, French melons, royal blue potatoes and a Tasmanian mountain pepper…. So far at least! 🙂
I am finally going to plant beas and peans on a tripod off privet off-cuts. I have been meaning to do it for many springs, this one its going to happen. I have also put some asparagus in the ground, and am loving it tenderly and patiently. I have never moon planted, but always heard good things. Jo
planting small-scale grains for the first time!
I’ll be planting out some sweet basil and sage this spring. 🙂
This spring we are going to attempt to actually eat some vegetables from our vegetable garden. We plan on doing this by foiling the possums and wallabies. They rule the night, we clean up after them in the day but not THIS YEAR! This year we slaved through autumn and winter while they feasted on the last of our Summer crops…we dug holes in ceramic hard clay, we concreted in poles, we sweltered and we twitched…we got free ex-fish farm netting from around the corner (no landfill AND no possums) and we are making a tennis court sized fully enclosed… Read more »
I have recently planted some blueberry bushes as my son eats them by the bucket load. I put in 3 different varieties and they already have started to bud up. I also dabbled in a bit of companion planting last year with borage, nasturtiums and marigolds so I plan to continue experimenting there as well. I have been planting by the moon for the last 2 seasons and have had great success. I have previously purchased seedlings from the shops and found the quality just wasn’t the same. Having the moon planting guide in a calendar format would be fantastic!!… Read more »
I am new to permaculture and am planting loads of new things but the most exciting for me is the masses of Comfrey I hope to plant!
We are excited about our new loganberry plant this Spring
I have become a little overexcited about tomatoes and have seed trays in my mini green house with 5 different types of heritage varieties, I have also planted 2 different kinds of cucumber seeds, which I haven’t grown before, and heritage zucchinis which are new to me. Also trialing growing from seed eggplant, okra and a few different kinds of chillis. I planted all these seeds last Monday and quite a few are up already, Wish me luck!
Moira, you won a calendar! Yay you. Let us know if you don’t get an email from us through today?
Today I planted the native plants Bursaria spinosa (Black Thorn), Podocarpus elatus (Illawarra Plum), Cotriobatus pauciflorus (Orange Thorn), Diospyros australis (Black Plum), Planchonella australis (Black Apple), Acacia falcata (Sickle Wattle), Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood), Dodonea viscosa (Hop Bush), Callistemon salignus, Schizomeria ovata (Native Crab Apple), Elaeodendron australe and Polycias elegans (Celery Wood). I’m building a windbreak/corridor of mostly natives as part of my Food Forest for Fun and Learning at the Bellambi Neighborhood Centre, north of Wollongong City. I mostly grow perennials and between them annuals, herbs, vines and groundcovers. My Food Forest is for everyone. Just ring 0402508040 for a… Read more »
How wonderful! Almost Autumn here, but I am going to try my hand at growing Madder next year. (I am a beginning natural dyer & would like to grow it for it’s lovely red-giving roots)
Sunflowers! I’ve dug a bed around the front fence of our corner block and sown sunflowers to make people smile! Out back in the veggie dept’ I’m sowing corn (possibly ‘painted mountain’) in a dedicated maize bed first time ever (inspired by the milk wood harvest last season). Also planting a few fruit trees, taking out the camellias and replacing them with guavas, (pineapple and chilean and mountain varieties), all of which should keep our tummies and the kids happy:).
This spring I’ve planted dozens of things I haven’t planted before and I have more to go. I’ve planted (well put pots in the pond) of water chestnut and water hawthorn, as well as many other habitat pond plants. I’ve planted raspberries, strawberries (although I tried them last year too), I have mangle wurzels to plant out, rainbow chard from seed (I bought seedlings last year), everlasting spinach, painted corn, tromboncino zucchinis, goji berries, eidelweiss, borage, camelia sinensis, black elder, apricots and walnuts (although I unknowingly planted those in the form of pits and nuts thrown in the compost heap… Read more »
For the first time I am growing globe artichokes, gooseberries, blueberries and an olive tree. These are planted in our front garden along with a new herb garden,
Amaranth and peas. Lots of peas. So many peas I may start to photosynthesise…
New plantings for us this season include crookneck zucchini, globe artichoke, catnip, okra and various lettuce vaarieites that i have not tried before. Loving the warm spring in these parts and watching existing plants respond to the seasonal change.
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My calendar arrives this with it has so much information. Grab your copy today.
I am trying my luck for the first time with grape vines!!!!!! This year I also have kale and many heirloom tomatoes and pumpkin varieties. Very exciting!!!!!
Thanks everyone!