Time for some city permaculture action! This January, the awesome Hannah Moloney will be teaming up with Milkwood’s Nick to deliver an Urban Permaculture Design course smack bang in the center of Sydney.
This Urban PDC will be 13 days of intensive learning, designing and doing with two of Australia’s most dynamic and respected permaculture teachers, focusing on the possibilities of city permaculture…
This course is for people who are ready to get serious about designing for resilient systems and communities in the urban context.
Hannah and Nick will be focussing on urban scale solutions and design for everything from water harvesting to site analysis, food production, animal and protein production, nutrient cycling, natural building and much more.
Our aim with this PDC is to deliver the best goddarn 2 weeks of urban permaculture design and techniques possible, which will pop out an activated, skilled up class at the end who really know their stuff, and are not afraid to use it.
Of course, as always, the strength of a Milkwood Permaculture Design Course is in the design process. So you could do this course if you were planning to do a tree change, or move to the land.
But we figure, the majority of people who take a PDC in the city are more likely to implement urban solutions to their everyday problems just now…
For example, when it comes to water harvesting, we focus on all the ways you can sink and store urban stormwater runoff with both legit and guerrilla tactics, to make your front yard get that bit more moisture that ups your urban food forest harvest by 60%.
Urban PDC teachers: Nick Ritar, Hannah Moloney + Floyd Constable. An excellent crew with loads of knowledge to share.We also get seriously into the mechanics of designing effective urban food growing systems, the particular challenges (and joys) of urban nutrient cycling, composting, community cultivation and all the rest.
For site visits throughout the course, we’ll be taking the class to explore a variety of permaculture gardens (backyard, front yard and community driven) as well as retrofitted ecohouses, businesses and more.
Sound like the activating experience you’ve been looking for this Summer? Excellent. We’d love to have you join us.
Details of our Urban Permaculture Design Course happening in Sydney 5 – 18 Jan 2014 are here.
I have just dug up a 15*3 m bed from our lawn and feel this would be a great course, I have worked with biodynamics on large scale farming in the past and hope this course will have much information for my corner projects. Could you please send me the details about the cours costs, times and do you give many handouts about the information or do we need to take notes etc
Hi David, everything you need to know about this course is here: http://milkwoodpermaculture.com.au/courses/details/182-permaculture-design-course-sydney-jan-2014
And ALSo we’ve donated a place on this course for the Tarkine Fundraising auction on Wednesday in Paddington, so why not hop along to that, you might score yourself a bargain 🙂 – Details here: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/sydney-loves-the-tarkine-with-bob-brown-ian-cohen-costa-georgiadis-tickets-9066154111