Right now, multiple communities in NSW, QLD and beyond are in uproar and blockade mode against Coal Seam Gas (CSG) exploration – but you won’t see it on the news.
Why not? It’s hard to say – mainstream media is a many-horned creature. But there’s plenty of reporting going on about this citizens uprising all the same. Here’s some leads to look at…
Artist as Family, a marvellous crew travelling on bikes around Australia for a year (complete with baby, and dog) are currently at the Bentley Blockade, and doing a beautiful job of reporting what’s happening there.
There’s also the excellent CSG Free Northern Rivers facebook page, which is regularly posting info, photos and updates of what is emerging as an extraordinary and very well organised Temporary Autonomous Zone at Bentley.
Here’s what our friend Brett from Coonabarabran had to say yesterday:
“Life up in Coonabarabran and surrounds has been pretty full-on lately with Santos drilling in the nearby/adjacent Pilliga state forest for CSG – 30 or so of us have been arrested or fined for trying to stop santos activities thru non- violent direct actions, such as lock ons to equipment.
Anything you could do to help us get the word out there would be excellent”
There’s a Pilliga-specific Getup campaign you can add your signature to.
There’s also a General CSG Getup campaign, in solidarity of these communities fighting back against some pretty nasty stuff.
If you’re fuzzy on the implications of Coal Seam Gas, or not clear why everyone’s so rabidly indignant about the exploration techniques being used, start at Lock The Gate Alliance, who have been providing clear info on this issue for some years now.
Feel free to add anymore links to reporting below. And thanks to these communities for witnessing, speaking out, and doing something about this issue.
Awareness of and taking action about this issue benefits us all.
Our current and future communities need access to clean ground water and other natural resources that should be stewarded for the good of all, not contaminated for many generations to come.
Lead photo by Artist as Family
What a powerful video. Such an important message for everyone in EVERY country to hear. We are slowly poisoning our lands and people, and for what? Money? Money doesn’t keep you healthy and alive. Only a clean world can do that.
Reblogged this on :: 1043mabovethesea :: and commented:
Not to be ignored.
Thanks Kirsten & Nick. There are lots of Facebook groups with info and discussion on this topic. Here are a couple focused on our local area –
https://www.facebook.com/groups/117313438349153/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/cracsg/
Radha (Coonabarabran)
Stop CSG YES !
The Pilliga fight against the CSG threat has several facebook sites to check – Stop Coal Seam Gas in the Pilliga, Protecting the Pilliga and Coonabarabran Residents Against CSG. Also a twitter page @crag_coona for those who are interested.
Somehow we have to get our governments to commit to alternative energies. As long as they are in cahoots with the fossil fuel conglomerates you will never be heard. Keep up the fight. There is a better way.
Reblogged this on Eremophila's Musings and commented:
Please spread this message – people need to be informed about what is ruining this country – greed!
All of journalist Margo Kingston’s tweets from bentley: http://nofibs.com.au/2014/04/28/visit-to-bentleyblockade-on-the-eve-of-police-destructionmargokingston1-twitter-report/
No one in the media is really following up on the suspicion as to why Metgasco’s rigs haven’t made it down …. apparently there is concern that the rig is is contaminated with asbestos. http://www.echo.net.au/2014/04/bentley-drill-rig-delayed-asbestos-scare/
Also need to remember the fine farmers out at the Pilliga …. in a much worse state than Bentley. So proud of those farmers … doing the hard yards to watch out for our precious world. https://au.prime7.yahoo.com/n2/news/a/-/local/23067321/protesters-hit-court-video/?fb_action_ids=785209824823457&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B230785663795719%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.recommends%22%5D&action_ref_map
THe area around Mount Gambier in South Australia is currently trying to stop `Beach Energy’ from getting passed the exploratory stage. http://www.protectlimestonecoast.org.au
Thanks for your help with this one Kirsten, Nick, Trev and the milkwood crew. This is a huge battle, happening country wide. The coal/ gas goliaths, with their government buddies, are trying to stamp all over us concerned citizens, but they have underestimated the power of people. And they were not banking on passionate, fired up people, from all backgrounds, combining efforts, ideas, resources and sheer physical strength to say ‘no way’. It is really amazing to see the cohesion that this has brought to communities who have had enough of this madness. The awareness needs to spread- once these… Read more »
Hear for yourself from the 6 Coonamble area farmers who locked on to the drill rig machinery as to why they were prepared to take this courageous step of Non-Violent Direct Action, knowing they would risk arrest and fines (follow the link and watch the short video). While you’re there, you can donate to help cover the costs of legal fees, fines etc of all the amazing people who have been willing to be arrested. As Jane Judd says, “if you can’t be here, please help someone who can”. Thank You!
You can also listen to Brett Sander’s clear and passionate account of why he bravely locked on in the Pilliga Forest in this interview by Alan Jones (who is, himself, passionately anti-CSG):
Wish there was a transcript, cause when I hear Alan’s voice I always get the urge to punch things, so I avoid listening to him. Great link tho, ta x
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