Nick just finished up co-teaching a Permaculture Teacher Training course with Rowe Morrow on Sunday, which was by all accounts an enlightening 7 days of how the heck to communicate core design concepts to a wide range of different types of learners.
Amongst the varied and wonderful students present was Jasmine Whyte from communicatecreative, who produced this simple and gorgeous diagram of PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate) outcomes, which we’d like to share with you…
Big thanks to Rosemary Morrow and all the students who came together to learn how to communicate to more different types of people more effectively. It was a challenging week for everyone involved, as is always the case when you have to examine your own capabilities in order to grow significantly, i think.
Rosemary Morrow is one of our heroes and it was a true privilege to work with her again on this project – her compassion, intelligence and ability to cut through the fluff to the heart of what needs to be communicated is a rare combination that many of us aspire to, in order to teach and pass on knowledge effectively.
And in an age where we need to do some pretty serious re-skilling in everything from property design to governance to food growing, , those are valuable lessons learned. Good luck to the 20 grads of this course who we know will apply their new skills far and wide throughout this land and beyond. Huzzah for effective and compassionate communication of essential ideas.
Rosemary Morrow’s book The Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture is widely available and the second edition of her Permaculture Teacher’s Notes will be out soonish.
Many thanks to Jasmine Whyte for the use of this graphic, issued with a creative commons license.