Checking the Warré hives this week, Tim pulled off a box of empty Warré comb. The bees stored honey in this comb over winter, but now it’s spring they’ve eaten through these stores, leaving bare comb, sculpted according to the colony’s needs…
(psst – our spring Natural Beekeeping course is on at Milkwood Farm this weekend)
That’s beautifull… We just got some of the last honey of the year here in the US! Super dark like molasses! I am so jealous you are just starting spring…
All ready for candle making! Well done bees! 😉
This is beautiful!
I think your empty comb is a good indicator of how dry our weather has become just in a few weeks from the burst of spring flowering just a short time ago. Did your bees have access to fruit trees and other spring flowering plants in the garden as well as a good source of eucalypts out in the bush? Mine have been very busy with the white box just stopping nectar flow in the last fortnight, the peak of the spring flowerers coming to an end but some native shrubs still overcrowded with bees and weeds flowering too so… Read more »