We’re excited to announce that Milkwood Farm veggies will be available in Sydney from this afternoon at the Real Food Projects pop-up shop at 27 Enmore Road, Newtown, Sydney.
The best corn, beans, eggplant and cucumbers you’ve ever tasted, grown with love, care and a great deal of compost at Milkwood Farm, by us! Available for a limited time the big city!
Milkwood market garden
In the bean patch – silvereye’s nest
Yesterdays pick (a very small portion of)
Andy cleaning cucumbers
Karen scrubbing beetroots
Meanwhile, Lawrence is manning the passata machine for the day (we’re still deep in tomato season)
Rose stealing some of the corn haul for dinner…
Yesterday was a big day for the Milkwood market garden crew… picking, packing, buffing and washing a ute-load of our beautiful summer veggies which are at their prime.
This morning, Nick and Floyd are off down the hill to Sydney to run the Sydney Talk (Tonight! Still a few tickets available) and the Gardening like a Forest short course with Dave Jacke. And as you know, we try to stack functions.
So the ute is piled high (sorry no photos, it was loaded at 6am this morning, in the dark and in the rain) with scrumptious food. First stop is a delivery to the Blue Mountains Family Food Box Co-op, and second stop is Sydney, to Real Food Projects!
Real Food Projects is an awesome initiative run by Kate Walsh, and its latest manifestation is a pop-up shop on Enmore Road. This shop is a happy mash of small-run, artisan-made, local food products, as well as vintage furniture and lighting (in case you’re not hungry). A happy space indeed.
Kate Walsh, the lady behind Real Food
By supporting Real Food the project, you’re increasing food security, and making more makers. Really. Small producers and food preservers need more friendly outlets that can support seasonal variation and the wax and wane of produce, and help us all make the most of every season.
We’ll be using the funds from these veggie sales to build a proper greenhouse in the Milkwood market garden, which will increase abundance and extend our growing season markedly, allowing us to grow more great food for more of the year in an energy efficient and permaculture way. It will also benefit our market gardener training programs.
As described in the wisdom of the radish, it’s hard to put a price on nutrient dense, hand-grown food like this that is raised outside the industrial agriculture system… but our extended community in Sydney is both partly why we started Milkwood, and also part of what makes us thrive. Call it fair share.
Big thanks to all the Milkwood market garden crew who helped get these ‘beyond organic’ veggies out of the ground, prepped and into the ute, in the rain and the dark, looking so good! Many households across Sydney will be the healthier and happier for your efforts. Also big thanks to Real Food for being brave and funky and supporting seasonal goodness.
>> More posts about growing real food at Milkwood.net
Michael Hewins, a happy but tired market gardener today…
That is utterly awesome. Well done Michael and crew. Lovely pix too. Hurrah for home grown food. May there be much much more.
Thanks for all your help Stephen!
As always you continue to push the boundaries of what is achievable! Well done to you all.. Inspired.. Brad & Thomas
Ohmygosh! this is very, very exciting! That’s WALKING distance from my home… yipee!
great stuff! YAY!
While I don’t live in Australia it was great to see what will come in our hemisphere soon. We have located to the southern part of the US and are redeeming a very sandy suburban lawn for veggies and native flowers and shrubs. I love seeing young people return to the land and good healthy gardening and farming! May you receive the bounty of your labor.
What a beautiful shop – a work of art in itself. And great work before dawn.