Wow what a year! And we couldn’t have done it without you. Really. I can’t actually begin to explain how much goodness we glean from our blog readers.
We get sage advice, great leads on new info, encouragement, solidarity and belly laughs (oh yes and the odd crankypants commenter but that’s life on the interwebs).
So! According to our stats, here’s the top 10 posts on in 2013…
1. Making an Upside Down Fire
2. Growing mushrooms in a laundry basket
3. The Sun Hive: experimental Natural Beekeeping
4. Rocket Stove Water Heater Redux
5. Making a wood chip mushroom garden
6. Vertical Garden meets Aquaponics
7. How to make a Worm Tower
8. Building a Yurt from Scratch: Resources
9. Family-friendly Urban Aquaponics
10. How to harvest Honey from Natural Comb
Thanks again for reading, y’all.
What will 2014 bring? Much goodness and change, as we continue to sail the seas of small-scale sustainability while bringing up a kid and striving to help cultivate communities.
I can’t wait.
I hope your new year is full of plans and also reflection on what you can learn from what has gone before.
It’s a wild world out there and there’s a lot we each can do to make it a better one. Let’s go. Happy new year to you.
Thanks for a great year of inspiration Kirsten and the Milkwood crew! One day when time and funds permit, I would love to come and checkout all that you guys have done:-) Keep up the great work and have a safe and prosperous new year.
I really like what I’ve seen so far!!! You’re very inspiring, as we’re planing on making our own sort of Off Grid homestead/artist community. Thanks!
Yes, I loved the upside down fire and tried it out. It does work! Been thinking about you guys today too, as Hubby builds my composting toilet. I’m supervising from the verandah with the iPad on my lap. 😉
Excellent work 🙂