Hey Sydneysiders – who wants to help us get the Soil Up Top at the 107 Rooftop Garden this Saturday morning, bright and early?
This is a callout for fit and fabulous folk who are up for a morning of goodness, with celebrity visitors and a free lunch at the end. Can you come?
Right. So this Saturday, my friends, is Soil Up Top Day.
At 8am we need a big crew of amazing humans to help us bucket 12 cubic meters of soil from the streetfront of 107 Projects up to the rooftop garden.
Cranes are not an option in this scenario. So it’s People Power to the rescue.
Our plan is to shovel the soil into masses of 20 litre buckets which will then be transported upstairs on a palette + trolley via the goods lift. Or up the stairs via hand, if you’re extra keen.
Once we’re up on the roof, we need to empty all that soil into the garden beds. And then do it all again.
We have precisely 3.5 hours to achieve this task, after which we need to leave the downstairs area spotless and clear of soil.
Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? We’re only going to be doing this once. One day of greatness. And possibly grubbiness.
Are you with us?
We need everyone there at 8am sharp, with closed-toed shoes, gardening gloves, and a fire in the belly to create something out of nothing. Something super awesome.
We’ll also shout everyone lunch at the end of it AND we’ve got the one and only Costa Georgiadis coming to cheer everyone along.
It’s going to be the best Saturday morning Sydney’s got to give.
Are you up for it? If yes, please email or call Trevor on 5300 4473 to confirm.
This morning will involve big trucks and heavy rolling trolleys and a deadline which we need to work hard to meet, so isn’t suitable for bringing little kids to. We will however be holding planting days in the future which will be super kid friendly.
You can read all about the 107 Rooftop Garden build thus far here.
And please feel free to chuck in to our 107 Rooftop Garden Pozible campaign which we’ve launched to offset some of the build costs. Fabulous rewards and undying love guaranteed.
I can’t get there from here (Canada), but I do have a suggestion. If you have enough people to line up on the stairs, why not just pass the buckets hand to hand? even those with dodgy knees, etc., can do that . . . If not, maybe pass them up to the next level, then everyone shift to the next set of steps.
Wish I could come help, though; it sounds like such a fabulous idea and I love what you’ve already done. ~ Linne
Thanks for the tip Linne…. that’s kinda what we are planning. With an elevator to assist 🙂
What part of Sydney is this in?