The Milkwood book tour is off and running – and we’re all over the place, from Brisbane to Melbourne. Join us at a free mushroom demo, an intimate author talk, or a seaweed show-and-tell somewhere?
But firstly, we officially launched Milkwood on the first day of spring, at Pocket City Farms. And it was a really lovely night. Thanks so much to everyone who came along to celebrate with us!
A thousand thankyous to: Trolleyd for the best illawarra plum / saltbush foam / black ants / edible flower / Hemp gin cocktails ever! Thankyou to Marnee Fox for styling wizardry, toTim Malfroy for the sweetness, QueenB candles for the light, to Hellene Algie for the beautiful photos of the launch, to Emma, Zag and Madison from Pocket City Farms for being an ongoing inspiration, to Jess Miller for her conversation, to Jane Morrow from Murdoch Books for being a genuinely lovely editor, to Carol Warwick for helping, to Heather McCabe for organising, to Weleda for goody-bag contributions, and to Brenna Quinlan for the bag artwork. Thanks lastly to Diego Bonetto for weedy delights, and to Acre Eatery for making us all a gorgeous Milkwood themed, plant-based dinner. It was so delicious.
Milkwood Book – September Events:
We are super excited to be all over the place this month, sharing bits and pieces of knowledge and stories as we go! There’s something for everyone, and we hope you can come along to something…
Most events are either free or a couple of bucks to cover drinks and snacks. All events will be awesome.
- Fri 7th Sept, Daylesford: Community Feast
- Tue 11th Sept, Melbourne: Milkwood at Books for Cooks
- Thur 13th Sept, Sydney: Community Feast
- Sat 15th Sept, Sydney: Food & Words Festival
- Sun 16th Sept, Melbourne: Mushrooms and more at Readings St Kilda
- Fri 21st Sept, Byron Bay: Mushroom growing demo at The Farm, Byron Bay
- Fri 21st Sept, Brunswick Heads: Wild and Weedy Dinner at Fleet
- Sat 22nd Sept, Byron Bay: Family Seaweed Foraging Picnic
- Sat 22nd Sept, Brisbane: Seaweed show+tell at Avid Reader Bookstore
- Sun 23rd Sept, Brisbane: Food Connect Party + Milkwood Author talk and Mushroom Demo, Wandering Cooks
There’s also some of the October + November events up on our book page (scroll down to find them,) plus some that haven’t quite made the website yet. We will let our newsletter list know as they appear. Whew!
I should also add that on the family seaweed foraging morning we will be joined by Ashar in his first official ‘workshop assistant’ role, helping little people to identify the seaweeds they find as we go. He’s just a little bit excited, and my heart is a little bit squeezy at the thought. Start ’em young!
Thanks to everyone for your fabulous support of our book so far. We’ve been really touched by all the enthusiasm, and I can tell you it makes the last few years of making this book, with it’s highs and lows, feel very much worth it.
Good luck with your new skills, and creating community and positive change as you learn them xx