Join Adam Grubb of the original Permablitz crew for a fabulous and free info night on how to devise and run a great permablitz. Come along and learn skills and tricks for running a successful permablitz that your whole community can get inspired by…
This free event is for any permablitz enthusiast who wants to see successful, awesome and safe Permablitzes become a regular part of the Sydney community’s active permaculture fabric. Let’s skill up, learn from experience, get some tips, and get going!
Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Venue: Alexandria Park Community Center, Park Road Alexandria (10 mins walk from Redfern Station) – venue directions here
Maybe you’ve already been to a permablitz in Sydney, or even run one. So have we! We’re hosting this event to try and improve our blitzing skills, and build the Sydney network.
But Permablitzes aren’t just a working bee. They’re also an excellent opportunity for permaculture designers to hone their skills and, when it’s implementation time, receive immediate feedback as the work to install that design occurs. Permablitzes grow good permaculture designers!
Adam Grubb founded Permablitz as part of a crew of Melbourne permaculturalists in 2006. Since then, Melbourne Permblitz has delivered many, many successful permablitzes in the greater Melbourne area, and the concept of Permablitz has spread to Sydney, Adelaide, Alice Springs, Darwin, Canberra, Tasmania, Bega, the Sunshine Coast, California, Montreal, Istanbul and Uganda.
This night is a great opportunity for the Sydney community (including active permablitz-ers) to grill one of the original Permablitz crew on how to create a safe, awesome and well-attended permablitz event.
There’s a lot of experience we can learn from this crew about active permaculture in community.
Permablitz Melbourne have recently released a range of ‘how-to’ guides for helping great permablitzes to happen.
So what is a Permablitz?
Permablitz (noun): An informal gathering involving a day on which a group of at least two people come together to achieve the following:
– create or add to edible gardens where someone lives
– share skills related to permaculture and sustainable living
– build community networks
– have fun
Permablitzes are free events, open to the public, with free workshops, shared food, where you get some exercise and have a wonderful time. To be defined as a permablitz each event must also be preceded by a permaculture design by a designer with a Permaculture Design Certificate.
The network runs on reciprocity, and in order to qualify for a permablitz you usually need to come to some first, although there can be exceptions in this case.
Designers presenting their design that the permablitz will implement - Photo courtesy of Melbourne Permablitz
So if you’re in Sydney and you think getting your hands dirty, permaculture, good design, organic food security and creating community are cool, please join us! Free organic popcorn, organic fruit, and tea and coffee provided. Families welcome.
For more info on Permablitz, see the Melbourne website
Please invite your friends and spread the word! Here’s the Facebook Event for you to share also.
Current permablitz resources for Sydney:
- Sydney Permablitz ning
- Sydney Permablitz Facebook Group
- Sydney Permablitz how-to guide
This event is hosted by Mikwood Permaculture as part of our Fair Share.
will this be recorded? I live in southern Oregon USA
Good idea, scott! We’ll see what we can do…
Hey guys, we have a brilliant media pro who has offered to film it for free if yous is keen?
youtube version is now up!