Ok this is a downright divergent post, but what the hey – it’s Saturday. I just found a bunch of Hey Girl meme entries on the important things in life – beehives, seed catalogs and compost…
Yes this is all extremely silly, but there you have it. These Hey Girl’s came from Kiss My Aster.
Regarding just what the heck this Hey Girl movie-dude-turned-meme thing is all about, I don’t really know either. But there’s some great ones (tho sadly unrelated to gardening) at FeministRyanGosling + TypographerRyanGosling.
Ok back to it. Where was I?
Oh yes – this weekend at Milkwood Farm: pick blackberries, pick/sort/process tomatoes, beans, eggplant, capsicums etc, hatch chickens, cook during Rose’s day off, and make a decision on those beautiful dexter cattle we’ve got an option on…
Fantastic, just what I need to keep me motivated in the garden 🙂
Wouldn’t we all love a man to talk dirt(y) with? 😛
Great website,you guys got balls, loved the stuff on the priority of paths,look forward to your adventures with Dexter cattle, just introduce Andre Voisin to PA Yeomans and yeah Nick you needed 20 pigs in that garden.
Hey John – well, one of us has balls, anyway 😉 – fingers crossed for dexters, and yes André Voisin is in the mix…
Oh my. That made my day bigtime. Thanks :D!
and now there’s spin-offs! yay: http://www.gsheller.com/2012/02/could-not-resist.html
I laughed and laughed and then blushed! Devine inspiration.
lol well they do say gardening is the new rock and roll